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Creating a business case needs data to back it up

Ericsson image for LI post

Whether you want budget for an intervention, or to convince leaders of how they need to change their behaviour – you need a business case. Thankfully, there’s a growing resource of powerful research data to help with this.

Thank you to Ericsson for this neat graphic.

The ‘external fact’ research data is extremely valuable – it builds credibility and positions your own situation in a wider context.

The most powerful data, however, is the ‘internal pain point’ – the analytics or anecdotal evidence that you can produce that relates to your own organisation, e.g. ‘our rate of regrettable leavers has gone up from x to x’.

You can add some detail that has impact, such as ‘within that number we’ve lost two developers with specialist system knowledge – it will be 18 months before we have people in post working at the same level.’

Even better, relate the loss to a business priority; ‘those developers are vital to customer retention.’

This is an area we include in our 3-hour virtual workshop ‘How to build a business-led HR strategy‘.

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