our team

What HR people can – and want to – work on

There’s a short window of opportunity for HR to build on recent achievements. How can HR grasp that and use it to add more value and win more influence and recognition? Where do you start? Our recent survey on HR’s reputation revealed what HR people can – and want to – work on. You can […]

Do you want to add more value, feel recognised, respected – and included?

A lot of people have opinions about HR. ‘HR should …’ ‘HR must …’. Many are highly qualified to comment, as they represent business leaders. Some opinions reveal a lack of understanding of how HR works in practice and behind the scenes. We also kept hearing HR people themselves say ‘we know we need to […]

How can I escape from being a cost centre?

Great HR creates value for all its stakeholders. It’s difficult to attribute, because it’s done THROUGH its stakeholders. Let’s get better at proving it – make explicit links between investment and business outcomes. Sometimes HR has to say things that people don’t want to hear. That has real value too – building a strong culture, […]

Time to get your HR team realigned?

It’s been a tough year for HR. Operationally, they’ve kept the show on the road with heroic flexibility and dedication. How can this be converted into real credibility as trusted strategic partners? The fact is, it doesn’t matter how well regarded you are as the head of HR if your team aren’t delivering what the […]

‘I feel like the stabiliser and the driver at the same time’

Does this resonate with you – torn between the accelerator and the brake? One minute you feel ready to forge ahead, and then you realise that you – or your people – aren’t quite ready yet? Hold on, you think, it may be too soon. Asking too much from people when we’ve hardly been able […]

What conversation are you NOT having?

If we want to change the outcome, we have to change the conversation. As we emerge from a strange year, we know that nothing can, or should, remain unchanged. What will you choose to change? Choosing, consciously, is the first step. What outcome do you want, in this window of opportunity for change? What conversation […]

Do you… ever feel torn?

I’m hearing it’s tough going for some HR leaders. Do business leaders want to press ahead at full steam when, actually, people aren’t yet ready, realigned and feeling supported? Are there discussions around the table that make you feel uncomfortable? You know what HR stands for, and so does everyone else. The problem is, they’re […]