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HR are still fighting the good fight

I recently attended Josh Bersin‘s excellent webinar on 2024 predictions yesterday, and this was just one of the new phrases I learned – ‘Employee Activation’. It sums up the way AI and employee empowerment are catalysing into a new force.

The overall direction of travel is undoubtedly towards the human-centred organisation. I posted recently about the real challenges of moving from structure and process to an organisational model that’s barely a model at all – it’s more like a moving organism.

In the poll that accompanied that post, the majority of responders have so far revealed that they are still getting to grips with what AI will mean for their organisation and the implications for HR.

So, it’s an exciting future but let’s get back down to earth. In most organisations HR are still fighting the good fight to get the recognition, respect and influence that they deserve. They don’t feel well positioned to lead this strategically.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of change that’s flooding all aspects of the world of work, so it’s vital to create an opportunity for HR teams to get re-aligned and re-energised.

We’re working with several clients at the moment to bring their HR teams together to take a deep breath, recognise their achievements and envision where they want and need to go from here.

There are two key headlines that repeatedly emerge and will build and sustain the confidence, influence and impact of HR through these turbulent times:

  • Getting closer to the business through effective, strategic partnering
  • Working as one joined-up HR team.

I’m always impressed by the commitment and talent of HR people, and it’s a privilege to help them to grow.

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