I was inspired today by a compassionate VP of HR who reminded me just how enormous the changes are that face organisations today – in complexity, breadth and depth.
Complexity – speaks for itself. Every factor in organisations is up for a rethink; a redesign; a restructure. Every path you begin to explore develops many twists and turns. Every idea has multiple implications.
Breadth – we’re talking about every function, every sector, every market.
Alongside that, the dust hasn’t yet settled. We’re in a global world, and while some nations can begin to step cautiously forward there are others who are immersed in real and present danger.
That brings me to my third big word – depth. ‘People need to be able to look up to us in HR’, said my HR colleague in India, torn between conscience and commercialism.
Some business leaders here too may fail to care enough to do enough.
How do we make a business case for humanity?
Will we be brave enough to do that?
Will we move forward together – as human-driven organisations who have a strong moral compass?
Will we move forward together as an HR function?
Would you like the opportunity to debate this will fellow senior HR leaders, as would he?
Contact us.