What makes you smile?

For me, a happy puppy will do it every time. What is it about them that’s so heartwarming? Perhaps it’s their capacity for pure joy. Just think, this little guy has no idea that we’re in the midst of a pandemic and such turmoil.

I think Blue Monday got to me yesterday. To be frank, I didn’t realise I was supposed to be particularly blue until I read about it and then of course I was. I guess I’m coping as well as most, and my expectations for joy are low.

I keep wondering about the people who really deserve to be blue, because I don’t. I’m able to hunker down and just keep going at my own pace.

How are we ever going to thank our nurses, doctors and all the other people who are saving lives while being completely stretched? I wish I could do something to help them – more than follow the guidelines.

I guess we need to look closer to home when we look for the contribution that we can make. Take care of those closest to us, and keep in touch with those far away.

HR people do that every day, and I salute you too.

I’m with the Bath HR Network tomorrow sharing learning from our Reputation survey. Their commitment and professionalism shines through their comments, and I look forward to helping them build even more credibility and influence.

What makes you smile?

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How to build HR’s strategic influence in today’s landscape

Date: Recording from Tuesday 17th September 2024

Priorities for a new CHRO

Date: Thursday 3rd October 2024

How to build One HR Team

Date: Recording from 21st August 2024 webinar
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