This quote from Jim Collins in ‘Good to Great’ seems pretty apt right now: ‘You must maintain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, AND at the same time have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.’
Collins researched the difference between leaders in good companies versus those in great companies. He classified his Level 5 Leaders as a powerful mix of personal humility and professional will.
It’s so reassuring. For one thing, it means it can be developed. It challenges assumptions that great leaders had some kind of magic. In fact, Collins says ‘there was no miracle’. They’re not ego-led, and in fact the change they lead doesn’t feel like a revolution. It’s steady, persistent and respectful.
Good leaders put others, and the wider organisation, before themselves. That’s what we’re seeing now – those who are working hard and selflessly to get their people through this, and keep their organisations going, are shining through.
What are you really appreciating right now in your leaders?