Transparency helps to build vital trust. How is this panning out in your organisation?

In my last post, I’d recapped Dave’s pre-pandemic 4 principles for HR to enquire which of these are proving more difficult for HR right now.

The debate swung between the strategic aspiration – which we all agree on – and the practical reality, which has been tough for operational HR. My own view is that we ultimately achieve the strategy through courageous, iterative and persistent progress by HR, and conversation by conversation.

Dave drew my attention to his (et al) update to their Leadership Code. Part of our debate earlier this week was around who was responsible for the leadership and management of people – HR or the line? We all agree that ideally this is owned in the line. In practice this varies hugely, and takes work by HR.

The 2020 Leadership Code neatly applies to every leader, and uses language that aligns strategic programmes with daily leadership. The addition of Personal Proficiency reflects what we’ve been learning – this crisis has proved a real test of those leaders who help others make sense of it all, and share their thinking.

Transparency helps to build vital trust. How is this panning out in your organisation?

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Recording: How to lead HR for maximum strategic impact

Date: Recording from Tuesday 28th January 2025

Webinar series: How to thrive as a CPO in today’s world of work

Date: Monthly webinars will be scheduled

Recording: As CPO, how do I lead through complexity and manage my anxiety?

Date: Recording from Monday 2nd December 2024
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