It’s an old adage that says a cobbler is often the worst shod…
If you search for “Development Tools for HR Professionals”, not surprisingly, your web browser will fill up with offers of help with training and development kits, HR Software and Apps for online training. All things aimed at helping you to develop your organisation’s people.
It’s refreshing then to find something that is aiming squarely at making sure you, ‘the Cobbler’, have the very best footwear for the challenging terrain ahead. Focusing on your career progress, you may find you just need to tighten up your laces… or, you may need to change your comfy trainers for a stronger, board water proof pair of hiking boots!
Shoehorning this analogy to one side, Enable HR starts with a self-evaluation tool which takes just 30 minutes to complete. It will reveal options for your development in a personalised report. This tiny investment of your time is amazing value and we know it will really open the door for you.
Get outside your comfort zone and into the fresh air.
Where will you go in your new boots?