Josh Bersin didn’t realise how apt this quote would become for these strange times: ‘The challenge is quality of labour, not quantity’… ‘engagement, productivity and learning are the growth force of the future.’ These talents have become critical right now, during this time of unprecedented challenge – and there are so many great stories of people stepping up. Health workers, clearly, demonstrating true heroism – and also many others doing their utmost to keep things going, look after customers and employees, and save their companies.
We’re all beavering away from our homes – if we are lucky enough to be able to – engaged, productive, and ready to learn how to navigate new ways of working. There is so much to celebrate right now, about commitment to our society and each other, so if you’re one of those, give yourself a pat on the back today.
Yesterday the postman waited to ask if we were all okay after ringing our doorbell, and shared a happy chat from six feet away. Small touches of humanity are important too. What has warmed your heart recently?