How HR can leverage its reputation to co-create the new world of work

group people having a meeting

HR at the frontline of business leadership during the pandemic What a rollercoaster the last few years has been for everyone. Human Resources has been at the front line. What has that done for HR’s reputation? Operational heroes, certainly. But has the pandemic helped HR to rise up and grasp more firmly its vital role […]

How to make business partnering work for you

business partnering

A good HRBP can be a powerful conduit for understanding business reality and deploying HR resources effectively If you want to ensure that HR outcomes are driven by business needs, then business partnering is crucial. But what does this really mean? How do you ensure that it delivers responsiveness to the business needs that you […]

How to create and maintain a high-performance culture

Creating and maintaining a high-performance culture within an organisation is a complex but achievable goal. It involves a combination of leadership, employee engagement, clear objectives, and ongoing improvement efforts. Here are some steps to help you: 1. Set clear goals and expectations It is important to set clear goals and expectations for employees so that they […]

How to create a culture of continuous feedback

Gaining continuous feedback from employees is crucial for the success and overall well-being of an organisation. Engaged employees are more committed and motivated to perform at their best. By seeking and acting on feedback, you demonstrate that you value their opinions and are willing to make improvements based on their input. Organisations need to make […]

Should we follow Zoom’s lead in the work from home versus office debate?

Well done to everyone in HR for negotiating this incredibly complex journey towards where people can/should work. You’ve taken business leaders through from panic, bias and ‘controlling parent’ (ref. Transactional Analysis) through to calm, considered and adult respect. I love the irony that Zoom are insisting that people within a 50-mile radius must come into […]

Business-driven HRBP? Yes, but and human too

It’s quite a juggling act – you can’t do your job in HR without humanity, it just doesn’t work. On the other hand, you’ve got to deliver business value. Hard-edged one minute, empathetic the next. Some business leaders interpret empathy as caring, and therefore lacking in business value. However, as an HR professional you know […]

How to create a strong link between business strategy and HR strategy

In HR you know that your work contributes directly towards business goals, but how do you get the credit for that? How can HR get involved early in strategic decisions so that you can make those links clear? Here’s a way to provoke conversations that will lead to that alignment and get strategic HR onto […]

Would business leaders fight for your HR function?

It’s your company’s Board meeting, and a Director says; ‘I know a company that’s cut the budget for HR by 30% by outsourcing the entire department – we could do that.’ What would happen next? A riot of objection, or a thoughtful pause while it’s considered? How do companies decide what their own HR function […]

We all need to dig deep sometimes

We’re all human. We’ve made such positive progress during recent years in recognising the depth and complexity of our human needs. Managing those, however, takes skill and strength. It’s wonderful that we can now talk about vulnerability, self-doubt and stress without feeling that we’re appearing weak. It takes skill, however, to stand tall when it […]

How to make business partnering strategic

Many in HR want business partnering to deliver more value. Their frustration can be caused by lack of support from business leaders, lack of clarity about what great business partnering looks like, or the capabilities of the HRBPs. Would you like to shift these obstacles? Convincing data helps, like this:‘Strategically effective HRBPs can improve employee […]