Never has the term ‘window of opportunity’ been so appropriate. Children excited to wear school uniform again, friends desperate to meet outdoors, families eager to celebrate their bond.
There are many things that we’ve learned to value, yet it will take effort to retain that respect. Like the heroic work done by HR.
Recent research reveals interesting but mixed findings: improved perceptions of HR’s value, yes, but also the view that this may not last. Also, appreciation of HR’s operational achievements but, ironically, insufficient to lead to extra investment.
There is important and urgent work to be done to ensure that HR moves forward stronger than before.
Will you grasp this opportunity to convert your exceptional achievements into lasting strategic influence and powerful business partnerships?
We offer workshops, coaching and consultancy to build HR’s value and impact, and also influence and confidence.
We bring 25 years of developing leaders and managers in world-leading organisations, and we relate this to the unique challenges faced in HR.
Contact us to find out about a free taster session for your HR team to kickstart their re-focus and re-alignment, and to grasp this window of opportunity.
What do you want to hold onto?