The Seven Enablers were identified in Enable-HR’s research into what drives excellence in HR.
We researched what businesses want from HR and distilled this into the activities and behaviours that drive successful relationships and results. Enable-HR provides a framework to understand and evaluate how HR operates, and then to align, develop and inspire HR people.
The successful outcomes of Rigour
- Efficient and effective use of HR budget, delivering what matters to the organisation
- You can prove the value of HR using credible measures and convincing evidence for ROI
- You are known for delivering smooth-running, accurate and timely HR services and projects
- Your advice and expertise is respected as reliable, leading to high quality solutions and minimum resources taken by disputes
- You make continuous improvements to the way you operate
- HR actively contributes to organisational governance
Rigour is about keeping a tight ship, whether it’s a dinghy or a cruise liner. Whatever our resources, it’s vital to our organisations that we don’t over-promise or under-deliver. We have to decide what we can and will do, and what we can’t and won’t – then make it happen. In HR we often have to deliver operational excellence in routine services, alongside large and complex projects. We have to set our budget, live within our means, and manage expectations. Our activities are so tied up with law, governance and policy that we always have standards and guidelines to maintain – and to ensure that others maintain. Despite this, we also have to be seen to focus in the areas that deliver business success and drive performance and growth. Rigour can feel like having the foot on the brake and the accelerator at the same time, while driving efficiently for maximum fuel economy. Measures are key to Rigour, so that we can prove our effectiveness and invest resources where they deliver best results.
Want to find out more?
Click here for a longer read about Rigour in HR where we cover:
- Questions to ask yourself in order to build more Rigour
- Building Rigour strategically – building a framework for excellence
- Building Rigour tactically – collaborating and negotiating
- How HR is delivered – allocating resources through partnership with the business
- Collecting and using HR Data and Analytics