This is a topic I keep coming back to. Building HR’s credibility as strategic business partners is the only way we’re going to fix the issues that frustrate HR – e.g. lack of involvement in key decisions; lack of clarity about the value HR adds; being seen as an admin function – and don’t forget the workload that all that creates.
Let’s turn this corner.
It isn’t an easy corner to turn, for all the reasons given above.
That’s what Kevyn Rustici and I discuss in this 10-minute video. Kevyn’s perspective is from analytics and finance, but he’s got a passion for HR and people – and valuing them as ‘human assets’.
My perspective is respect for all the dedicated, talented HR people who want to crack this too but there’s more to it than analytics and numbers. It’s how you build the relationship.
Powerful data + powerful relationships with stakeholders = respect.
This video is an informal chat sharing those two perspectives.
When Kevyn posted the video, he had many requests for the full version. There are no visuals, so you can just listen.
I joked with Kevyn that he calls this version ‘old school and new school’, and I know which one I am. It has value, though, because I’ve been where HR people are, and I don’t under-estimate this challenge.
His strapline is ‘flipping HR from a cost centre into a profit centre.’
HR create value. Let’s prove how we do it.
Join us on the journey.