Happy memories – I’m really missing getting together with HR leaders and teams. It was great to hear this from a client a few weeks after a really rewarding day with the Ministry of Justice. It wasn’t long ago, but feels much longer.
This HR management team face complex issues every day under great operational pressure. Their prework told me that they most wanted to look at how to do more leading, how to inspire and achieve real change, and this photo shows the fun way we got this discussion started – they’re doing a skit on managing, by the way. It’s tough, when you manage managers, to work out what leading actually looks like. You want to support them, but they need to grow as much as you do.
Our enable-hr framework helped us all to focus in on how to make the shift towards leading, in a very practical way – what to do more of, and less of. My client – thanks Carl Kneeshaw – said that my 25 years in leadership development, as well as having done senior HR roles myself before that, helped to build their confidence.
What’s the toughest part for you of doing more leading than managing?