Here‘s a great take-out from some recent research by McKinsey & Company. In the organisations that more successfully navigated the pandemic, they say, ‘leaders spent more time on coaching and recognition’.
Hallelujah! It’s reassuring to see such common sense within credible research, and impressive that much of this has been achieved by the hard work of skilled and committed HR people. Well done.
There have been thousands of coaching conversations by HR, helping line leaders and managers to work their way through and encourage them to coach their team members. This adds enormously to HR’s workload, and here we have proof of its business value.
My second reaction was some optimism that more of this common sense, clearly articulated data is emerging; data that’s relevant to organisations that aren’t global giants.
Tough times remind us what’s really important.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who sometimes looks at research and struggles to understand what it actually means, and how I could relate it to my situation. Some authors seem to like to play intellectual bingo with buzzwords that just don’t have real substance.
McKinsey also recommend that organisations ‘expand executive focus on strategic clarity, coaching, and empathy’.
Great to hear. Simple. Common sense. Good for business.
Data like this helps HR make the case for building good practice and values into a platform for future growth.
If you’d like help with this kind of conversation with your CEO, or to build your HR team’s skills and confidence, get in touch.
Enjoy the infographic, and the link to the full article is linked here.