Get your whole HR team lined up behind business priorities
If HR is to deliver maximum impact, then the whole HR team needs to be lined up behind business priorities.
This is harder than it sounds. There are so many different activities within the HR function that pull it in different directions.
Sometimes these can even seem in conflict with each other. For example, it’s important that HR promote consistency across the organisation, and yet they’re also under pressure to adapt to the needs of different client groups.
Centres of Excellence want to deliver leading edge solutions, the users want simplicity and relevance, and the HRBP is stuck in the middle.
As 4x CHRO Asad Husain would say to his team, he never wanted to hear ‘I love my HRBP but not the rest of HR’.
They have to be on the same team, and be seen to be on the same team.
The key principles of the three-legged HR operating model from Dave Ulrich still hold good. As always, it’s the implementation that matters.
Join me at a free webinar on Wednesday 21st August 2024 at 12.30pm UK to explore how to drive results through getting your HR team fully aligned and united.
I’ll provoke your thinking on how you want to operate in your role and in your team and provide some valuable questions that your HR team can explore together to get them onto the same page and singing the same song.
If HR is to deliver maximum impact, then the whole HR team needs to be lined up behind business priorities.
This is harder than it sounds. There are so many different activities within the HR function that pull it in different directions.
Sometimes these can even seem in conflict with each other. For example, it’s important that HR promote consistency across the organisation, and yet they’re also under pressure to adapt to the needs of different client groups.
Centres of Excellence want to deliver leading edge solutions, the users want simplicity and relevance, and the HRBP is stuck in the middle.
As 4x CHRO Asad Husain would say to his team, he never wanted to hear ‘I love my HRBP but not the rest of HR’.
They have to be on the same team, and be seen to be on the same team.
The key principles of the three-legged HR operating model from Dave Ulrich still hold good. As always, it’s the implementation that matters.
Join me at a free webinar on Wednesday 21st August 2024 at 12.30pm UK to explore how to drive results through getting your HR team fully aligned and united.
I’ll provoke your thinking on how you want to operate in your role and in your team and provide some valuable questions that your HR team can explore together to get them onto the same page and singing the same song.