I’m still searching for answers, like everyone else – particularly about the world of work and how that will change. In order to get to a new people agenda – what does all this mean for the questions we need to ask?
Also, we can’t begin to ask the questions from where we are now. We have to take a step back. We’re in a strange place:
– Many of our working practices stem from the industrial revolution when it was believed you had to have people working right under your eyes so that they could be fully supervised, and controlled. We’ve learned.
– We’ve progressed from the loom to Zoom. Technology is mind-blowing today, literally – focusing on a screen is a bit weird and taxing for the human brain, we all know that.
– Education and social progress mean that our intelligence – intellectual and emotional, and enriched by our diversity – can be understood, valued and applied to any challenge. AI can be a great partner in that.
If we are going to ensure that our world emerges stronger than before, our response needs to go deeper than re-writing business plans.
What questions are in your mind right now? Here’s one for starters: ‘What really matters to you?’