New way of making complex HR decisions?

When we gathered together our research for enable-hr, there was clear confirmation of something we knew already as Human Resources practitioners.  We get involved in some pretty tricky situations.  No other function has to balance quite so many considerations in just about every decision.  Resolving an alleged fondle during a staff Christmas party, and dealing […]

Wider than just HR

Recently news that was all about a sector that one of my clients works within was splashed across the press and media in a high profile way. Yet when I spoke to them they knew nothing about it! It was pretty significant, it charts changes in the way their sector will work, impacts in working […]

The cobbler’s new boots

It’s an old adage that says a cobbler is often the worst shod… If you search for “Development Tools for HR Professionals”, not surprisingly, your web browser will fill up with offers of help with training and development kits, HR Software and Apps for online training. All things aimed at helping you to develop your […]

The Business of HR

I know I may be banging an old drum, HR and business, and yes it is one I have written about here before. But I can’t help it. You see I loved Economics at A level and then studied Business Studies and Finance where I took the HR options so this might account for it […]